Daily Archives: June 21, 2014

Rainbow parata

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Preparation Time : 1 hour 10 minutes

Cooking Time : 2 minutes for each parata

Serving : 5- 6 members


“Rainbow parata’s ” that’s what I have named these nutritional power packed ,colourful parata’s that serve as an easy trick to make children to adults eat their veggies .A few notches higher than the regular does work pitch perfect always .Easy to make , can be packed for lunch or to be served at dinner parties that help you get your daily quota of nutrition with flavourful , colourful veggies . I came across a similar recipe in the net with bread and anything related to creating a visual treat with colours through food , I get week on my knees .I Immediately saved the recipe but now the problem is no one enjoys bread at home so had to keep the saved recipe untouched as it was . After a month or so came across a picture with a similar recipe in one of the foodie groups in Facebook but this time it was a parata that was trendy and sure delicious . Hurray , now I can try this and treat every one at home and to take the monotony out of the regular cooking with these impressive , vibrant , colourful parata’s . Dum me why didn’t my brain work to think of making a parata with this idea before . Any way’s it’s better late than never , isn’t it ?


Maida3 1/2 cups
Saltto taste
Spinach2 cups ( boiled with water and pured to get 1 cup )
Beet root 2 ( boiled with water and pured to get 1 cup )
Carrot2 big ( boiled with water and pured to get 1 cup )
Oil / ghee 1/4 cup


  1. Add salt to taste to the flour .Divide the flour into equal three portions . Knead a dough by adding little by little of the spinach purée to one portion of the maida to get a smooth dough .
  2. You might or might not need all the puréed spinach . Knead a dough by adding little by little of the beetroot purée to the second portion of the maida to get a smooth dough .
  3. You might or might not need all the puréed beetroot . Knead a dough by adding little by little of the carrot purée to the third portion of the maida to get a smooth dough . You might or might not need all the puréed carrot .
  4. Keep covered by applying a teaspoon of oil or ghee over the three coloured dough and set aside separately for half an hour . Roll each dough into small lemon sized balls and roll into thin long 1/4 inch logs .
  5. Take one rolled log of each colour . Place one above the other and coil it together in a circular manner to get single rolled colourful parata’s . Do the same to all the coloured rolled logs . Spread 1/4 teaspoon of oil on each coloured coiled paratha and set aside for 20 minutes or until ready to be cooked and served .
  6. Heat a heavy griddle . Roll the coiled colour full parata to palm size circle with the help of a rolling pin . Place over the hot griddle and cook for 30 seconds , turn over and cook for another 30 seconds .
  7. Turn over and pour a teaspoon of oil all around and cook for 30 seconds , turn over and cook further for another 30 seconds .
  8. Remove once the parata is cooked and has brown spots all over . Do the same to all the coiled parata’s and serve hot with any gravy of your choice along with a cooling yoghurt dip .