Puli chutney

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Preparation Time : 15 minutes

Cooking Time : nil

Serving : 4 members


Puli chutney . A quick chutney that is done with easily available ingredients at home and had mainly with palaya soru / ice biriyani . Ice  biriyani  is left over cooked rice that is soaked and immersed in water over night and had the next day morning for breakfast along with curd , salt and small onions usually . This dish is addressed as cucina povera – food of the poor . I remember during my long , hot summer vacations at my grand parents place in Palghat . There was   always ice biriyani with this puli chutney as an accomplishment   along with other breakfast items spread on the table . I would sit next to the ammi that was on the flour at the back yard of the kitchen and watch wahitha Akka ( our cook ) make this chutney by technically just crushing these ingredients together .my eyes would burn and pour down tears because of the onions being crushed but still loved the way wahida Akka used to handle the ammi and skilfully blend simple ingredients to a sublime art form . This chutney is also served with thenga choru as a side dish to Play a supporting role  to gulp in a few more calories into you . A very tart , hot and salty chutney flavoured with coconut oil that hits the right spot with unique earthy flavours and oozes with old world charm . It’s good to retain old favourites and flavours to oomph a domestic staple .


Small onionsone hand chopped
Green chillies2 chopped
Thick Tamarind pulp 5 tablespoons
Water1 teaspoon or more
Rock Saltto taste
Coconut oil 1 tablespoon


  1. Crush small onion , green chillies and rock salt together in a ammi or sil patta .
  2. In case you don’t have one crush them with the back of a spatula or crush them coarsely in a food processor making sure you don’t grind them . mix well . ( Best done in the ammi / sil patta )
  3. Add tamarind pulp and water to get a gooey consistency mixture .
  4. Top with coconut oil and mix well . Taste and adjust seasoning and serve .