Coconutty jack fruit pudding

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Preparation Time : 20 minutes

Cooking Time : 30 -40 minutes + cooking and refrigeration timing

Serving : 6-8 members


Jack fruit is my favourite fruit for many reasons from it’s sweet taste to it’s aroma to the nostalgia it carries along with my childhood days . Most of my summer vacations were spent at my maternal grand mothers place in Palghat as my mom was always  busy helping dad at work . Grand ma’s place was a massive huge house with so much space all around the house . We did have a back yard called the thodi with mango trees , coconut trees , plantain plants , tapioca , jack fruits etc .. Which was lush green through out the year . Even the walls had  all naturally grown green mesh in them . The kids were not allowed to go to the thodi alone as there were snakes there . The restriction did tempt us kids a lot to sneak in when ever possible and every time it was pure adventure from climbing trees ,to plucking fruits , to peeping over the last compound wall to see the pond in the other side ,to running away from snakes , to seeing live in helps romancing ( ssshush it’s a secret  till date :-)) . every time there was a ripe jack fruit from the thodi , it was like a festive season with two maids cleaning the ripe jack fruits with coconut oil greased hands separating  the ripe fruit segments from the seeds and thorny cover with all the kids around watching and gobbling  a few immediately . The air is filled with the mesmerising scent of ripe jack fruit that it takes you towards the happening place if away . My grand ma would make all authentic stuff with the jack fruit from payasam , puttu to kolakattai .  Umm , I doubt kids now a days will have such memories . Coming to the pudding . This was a first try with pure instincts of my nostalgic memories of my childhood days presented in a new posher avatar of those well researched authentic recipes of my grand ma’s magical treats . Served it to my hubby dears niece sabura and her dad when they were home to invite us for her sisters wedding . They liked it so much that they asked for a second helping and made sure to pack some as well . This sure made me more confident about my new posh version of jack fruit pudding letting a lot of gratitude to the good times life had to offer leaving way to good memories to cherish for ever and ever .


Condensed milk 1 tin
Thick coconut extract / milk1 tin of the condensed milk tin
Jack fruit purée1 tin of the condensed milk tin
Chopped jack fruit1 tin of the condensed milk tin
Vanilla essence few drops
Ghee / coconut oil to grease the pudding tray


  1. Blend 2 eggs , condensed milk , thick coconut milk , jack fruit purée and vanilla essence together in a food processor . Add the chopped jack fruit bits into the blended mixture and mix well .
  2. Grease a pudding tray with ghee / coconut oil well . Pour the condensed milk + jack fruit mix into the greased tray . Heat water in a pressure cooker or rice cooker . Place a stand round ring and place the pudding tray above with a lid .
  3. Close the cooker lid and pressure cook for three whistles . If using rice cooker cook with a lid until it shows keep warm indication .
  4. Remove carefully and cool completely . Then place in the refrigerator over night . Run a wet knife all around the edges of the pudding tray .
  5. Place a plate that’s bigger than the pudding tray over and tilt the pupping tray to get the pudding on to the serving plate . Cut and serve .


  1.  Grind grated coconut of half of a big coconut with just 1/4 cup water to a smooth paste . Then strain to get thick coconut extract / milk .
  2. Blend cleaned jack fruit with little water to a smooth semi thick gooey paste to get jack fruit purée .
  3. make sure to close the pudding tray when steaming as the pudding tends to get water into it .
  4. In case you see a lot of water in your steamed pudding , do not panic . Leave it as it is . When you tilt the pudding to the serving plate just drain the excess water away .
  5.  I usually place 6-8 heavy stones on top of the pudding tray lid to avoid the water getting in . Sounds crazy but works always .
  6. This pudding can be served hot , warm or chilled .