Italian herbed salad

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Preparation Time : 20 minutes

Cooking Time : 5 minutes

Serving : 4 members


Being a foodie the greatest obstacle in life is to stop your cravings as hunger has no time and instead opting for a better healthy yet comforting treat .  This salad was one such invention when I was craving for pizza . I prepped up all I need for a pizza topping and tossed it up together as a salad instead with slight twists here and there . I ended up gobbling the entire lot and made sure to make plenty the next time . Even then it was devoured in no time . Perfect party starter as it can be made ahead and served in tiny lettuce cups topped with the salad . The secret benefit being it’s healthy , light , quick to cook and no need to work hard to impress . You will be surprised to see juniors coming back for more as the rainbow of colours and flavours just hits the right spot .


mushrooms100 grams sliced
Onion 1 chopped
Garlic2 flakes crushed
Green , yellow and red peppers / capsicum1/2 each strips
Tomato1 chopped
Cabbage 1/4 cup shredded
Lettuce 1/2 cup shredded
Carrot1/4 cup chopped
Olive oil1 tablespoon
Butter 1 teaspoon
Dried Italian herbs1 teaspoon (mix of rosemary , oregano , thyme and basil )
Chilli flakes to taste
Vinegar 1 teaspoon
Pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Grated cheddar cheese50 grams
Celery to garnish


  1. Marinate the mushroom and onions with crushed garlic, salt, pepper, and butter for 10 minutes .
  2. Sauté in a pan to cooked . Remove from heat and cool completely .
  3. Mix dried herbs , salt , pepper , chilli flakes , vinegar , grated cheese and olive oil together .
  4. Taste and adjust seasoning . Mix all the veggies together with the cooled mushroom – onion and mix well .
  5. Top with the salad cheese dressing and toss well . Place in the fridge until needed to be served .