Avacado mango smoothie

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Preparation time : 5 minutes
Cooking time : nil
Serves : 5 members


I have always had a liking towards this fruit.( oop’s is avocado a fruit or vegetable? Never ever had this doubt before. Googled now and found out it’s a fruit. Not bad I was right ) on my every trip to the hill stations, I would make it a point to buy them. Back home with these beauties, all I used to do was just blend it with milk and sugar and serve it as a smoothie. I was awestruck when I first got to know it’s used for savory dishes in Mexico. My mind took a while to accept that. Now a days it’s ample in all the department stores here at my home time . An opportunity to test more recipes with the mighty avocados. Fed up with the same juices, milk shakes and smoothies served at the rozza ( fasting ) table, I wanted to try something new. I just mixed what I felt might taste good and blended it all together. Tasting was done by my cook as I was fasting. She approved it. Poured it into glasses, it looked too plain so just topped it with a teaspoon of soaked basil seeds I had in hand. Those black seeds gave a popping contrast to the plain looking smoothie. Ifthar table, silent with all of us breaking our fast. After the first five minutes, my boy Afzar who is home on a two week break from London ask’s me what smoothie is this. It tastes really good. My mission accomplished to come up with another rocking recipe that did tickle my boy’s taste buds. Here after every time I get to see or think about avocados, this memory of him and this smoothie will surely flaunt me.

Ripe Avocado1 small flesh scooped out
Ripe mango1 cheek flesh scooped out
Thick Curd2 tablespoons
Honey2 tablespoons
Sugarto taste
Ice Wateras needed
Ice cubes10
Basil seeds1/4 teaspoon soaked in water for one hour


  • Blend together the ingredients together except for the basil seeds to a smooth running consistency smoothie.
  • Taste and adjust sweetness. Add more water if required and mix well.
  • Chill until to be served. Serve chilled topped with a teaspoon of soaked basil seeds.